Dear Member,
I am writing to request your preferred contact information for a study led by Dr. Angie Ingraham at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Ingraham is conducting the Support Interhospital Transfer Decisions (SITe) study. Through this study, Dr. Ingraham seeks to understand providers’ experiences communicating during calls about interhospital transfers for older adults with emergency general surgery (EGS) diagnoses.
Emergency medicine physicians play a critical role in the transfer of EGS patients. Dr. Ingraham seeks to gather contact information for emergency medicine physicians now, so that you can be reached quickly if you participate in a transfer call that meets study criteria. If you call the UW Health-Meriter Access Center regarding an older EGS patient, you may be contacted about this study. Your contact information will be kept confidential and only used to invite you to complete a 3-minute survey each time you make an eligible call. Participation in the study will not affect transfer requests.
Please take one minute to share your contact information here:
This study has been funded by the National Institute on Aging and approved by the University of Wisconsin Institutional Review Board.
Thank you for taking the time to support this important effort.
Please email with any questions.
Best regards,
Dr. Kerry Ahrens