WACEP President's Message, July 2016

July 30, 2016 9:30 AM | Anonymous

Bobby Redwood, M.D., M.P.H.
President, Wisconsin Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians

Wisconsin ACEP is in the midst of a productive and exciting year. Here’s a recap of some of what the Chapter has been up to: 

  • Vision—a Three-Prong Approach. WACEP will take stock of our resources and establish three concrete goals addressing this question: What can we do for our specialty, for our physicians, and for our patients? Member feedback is important as we craft strategic goals for 2017. Contact us!
  • Fair Payment: EM Medicaid reimbursement rates in Wisconsin are worst in the nation. We have developed a task force to explore legislative solutions to achieve fair payment.
  • WACEP Website: Keep an eye out for a newly designed Chapter website, which should go live by early fall.
  • WMS House of Delegates: WACEP now has three emergency physicians serving in the Wisconsin Medical Society’s House of Delegates. We hope to increase the influence of emergency medicine in the broader house of medicine in Wisconsin.
  • Wisconsin EM CME Conference: WACEP is currently exploring the logistics of hosting an annual Wisconsin Emergency Medicine CME conference.

Thank you for your service to emergent patients in Wisconsin and your involvement with Wisconsin ACEP. Remember to check the Wisconsin ACEP website for updates on legislative victories, educational opportunities, resident scholarships, and more!